Baby Zebra and Baby Eland Arrive At Animal Kingdom Lodge
It's been the day for birth announcements! Disney's Animals, Science and Environment have today announced the birth of not one, but two babies at Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge!
The announcement started with a girl Hartmann's Mountain Zebra!

The foal actually arrived on June 13th but was only announced today. Both mum and baby are doing very well and you can expect to find them out on the savanna very soon.

Next came the announcement that Cleo the eland gave birth to her first baby, a girl!

Both mum and baby are doing very well, spending some quality time together in a back stage barn before they will be able to explore the savanna together.

This is fantastic, and adorable, news coming from Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge today! We can't wait to see these two new arrivals out on the savanna.

Photo credit and source: Disney's Animals, Science andEnvironment